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The 13th EAAPL Conference
will be held in 23-24th November 2024, Osaka, JAPAN

​EAAPL is an international conference that brings together specialists in the field of psychology and law from across Asia.

This year's conference will be our first in six years since the last one in 2018.
The venue will be in Osaka, Japan.

We look forward to meeting you all in person this November.


The 12th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@Ritsumeikan University Kinugasai Osaka Japan 14−16 December, 2018

The 11th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@National Taiwan University. Taipei 15−17 December, 2017

The 10th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@Jeju Island 15−17 December, 2016

The 9th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@Ritsumeikan University Ibaraki Osaka Japan 16−18 October, 2015

The 8th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@China University of Political Science and Law Beijing China 18−19 October, 2014

The 7th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@ Institute for Psychology and Law, Hallym University Chuncheon Republic of Korea 25-27 October, 2013

The 6th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

@ Ritsumeikan University Kyoto JAPAN 24-27 October, 2012

The 5th East Asian Psychology and Law Conference

5th Korea-Japan Law and Psychology student seminar

 26, September, 2011.

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

The 4th Korea - Japan Law and Psychology Student Seminar
 14, September, 2010.
 Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.

The 3th Korea - Japan Law and Psychology Student Seminar
  22, October, 2009.

  Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
The 2th Korea - Japan Law and Psychology Inernational Symposium  17, October, 2008.
  Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.

The 1st Korea - Japan Law and Psychology International Symposium  1, September, 2007
  Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.

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